
Thursday, 10 November 2011


Below are some shots from our time in Kakadu. (Crediting the title of this post to Pa Preston)

#1. We have hundreds of photos of the ancient aboriginal rock art, but the boys were so inspired by an educational video on Kakadu that they spent much of our walks making their own 'art' by tying fallen pandanus leaves into intricate knots. They were trying to weave baskets. Especially when they discovered the retail value is approx $200.

#2. and #7. are examples of schoolwork being done. So rare that it was deemed photo-worthy. This reminds me of a recent conversation that went like this:
P (after double espresso): "I am going to miss you boys when you have to go to school next year!"
(pause..while we all consider the implications of never going back..)
P: "Will, what is your back-up plan if we do not take you back to school for a proper education?" "I mean, how will you earn money when you are older?"
W: "Ummm.. I'll... invent the Nose-Picker!"
H: "Yeah! With soft edges so it doesn't hurt your nose! ...What's a back-up plan?" (patent pending, so don't be trying to steal their idea, OK?)

#3. Yep. Big termite mounds here. Discussed the future of human architecture and energy efficiency with boys. Eyes glazing over and were utterly incredulous that people have anything to learn from insects and 'nature'...Not anymore.

#4. Climbing up a steep rocky path on side if big cliff, wearing Crocs and carrying black umbrella, to this series of croc-free rock-pools at the top of Gunlom Falls, did not inspire confidence in the other hikers when they saw I was also responsible for two smallish boys. Swimming near the edge of the massive drop was perhaps a little unwise, but we all survived, and the view was awesome..

#5. The Hotel Pool. Spent many hours here too. In Kakadu, swimming is like eating. It needs to be done at least 3 times a day to avoid getting grumpy and distracted.

#6. At Maguk Falls, Will and Hamish are under the impression their life vests are croc-proof. We all swim the 100 metres or so to the falls quietly humming the Jaws theme. In fact, it has inspired a new game called the "der-nernt-er". A type of tag game where the chaser sings the Jaws theme. I'm sure everyone has a different way of spelling the sounds. But hopefully you know what I mean.

#8. Another loop track at Nourlangie Rock. Each of us could be heard shouting across the land.."why do the flies love ME so much?"
The boys were particularly intrigued with the painting of the Lightning Man who strikes law-breakers over the head with yams (sweet potatoes)...

Photos omitted include the one at Cahill's crossing - two large Salt water crocs hanging out just under the surface of murky water. You wouldn't believe me if you saw the 'logs'. And shots of our campsite - there hasn't been one since Katherine's leaky tent, and if you want to see interiors of hotel rooms you can look at like we did.

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